By virtue of attending a class or event, you fully and completely waive and release Hairadox LLC “Releasee”, its chapters, directors, officers, administrators, representatives and executors, past and present employees, volunteers, agents, supervisors, participants, all state and local governments, assigns, sponsors, their representatives and successors and other persons (collectively, the “Releasees”), from any and all claims, liabilities, damages, and/or causes of action arising out of an injury to me (or my dependent) and from any and all claims, liabilities, damages, and/or cause of actions arising from, or relating to, my (or my dependent’s) participation or attendance in the class or event.
I assume all risks associated with consuming any food or drink during the class or event. I am solely responsible for any adverse health effects from food or beverage consumption, regardless of any allergy, known or unknown, that I may have.
I ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY RISKS OF LOSS, OR PERSONAL INJURY, INCLUDING DEATH that may be sustained by me (or any person listed on this Waiver), or any loss or damage to property owned by me (or any person listed on this Waiver), as a result of participating in the class or event.
I RELEASE, WAIVE, HOLD HARMLESS, DISCHARGE, AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE the Releasees from any and all liability, claims, actions, demands, expenses, attorney fees, breach of contract actions, breach of statutory duty or other duty of care, warranty, strict liability actions, and causes of action whatsoever, that I might have or acquire in the future, arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, including death, that may be sustained by me (or any person listed on this Waiver), or to any property belonging to me (or any person listed on this Waiver), while participating in the class or event including, but not limited to, any claim that the act or omission complained of was caused in whole or in part by the negligence or carelessness of the Releasees.